wandering the depths of who i am.

What made you start writing?

It wasn’t always easy. Understanding myself was far from everything I was putting my energy to. Writing slowly started changing that for me. It gave me perspective in ways I could not even imagine was possible.


And truthfully, I would have never picked up a pen had I not been seeking for something more in my teenage years.


I have always been an ambivert, part extroverted where I want to be and part introverted when I need to be. Writing allowed me to value my alone time because it pushed me to get to know myself deeply, and in return, this value brought more intentionality to my day-to-day connections with others.


Coming from a spiritual background, my foundation is centered around wholeness and really grounding back to the root of our existence, the Soul within.


That is what I keep in mind and channel from my heart as I write.

So, writing is your hobby.

Yes and no. It is an unlimited passion of mine. Writing is the safe space where I am allowed to challenge the depths of myself and breakthrough to my fullest potential.



What started out as just a hobby has become something unequivocally more. Each year of writing poetry and prose has given me an internal mirror unto my self and the complexities that have found their way around it.



Even I do not know where this road will lead, but I am excited to find out where this path converges into more.