You Can Never Be Healed

Almost everyone in the spiritual community will say this to you. “No one can be fully healed.” And, I couldn’t find that more wrong.


I was scrolling on Instagram and I came across one of those daily energy check-ins healers do in the spiritual community, and I read yet another message about how healing is a journey and no one can be completely healed. The message relayed that no matter what there will always be another layer that will unfold for you to heal.


 “You are never fully healed.”


Something about this message (and the countless others that I’ve read in the past) did not sit well with me. Something felt off about the possession of “never” in healing. 

So naturally, I thought about it some more.

Words Have Power

Many religious and spiritual practices believe in the power of words. Chants, affirmations, manifestations, and prayers are examples of how words are important and how they can attract the energy of what we put out back to us.

We put our energy into words and beliefs. And, the energy you put out into the Universe comes back to you one way or another. 

For example, when you say an activity can never be done or happen, the Universe gives you the roadblocks necessary to hold your mindset true.

So, if I accept that I can never be healed, I would be self-sabotaging my own healing journey.

And if that is so, what is the point of healing trauma and inner child wounds if there is no end to healing?

The Fundamentals

Fundamentally speaking, healing has many layers. 

Healing is like unraveling a layer of an onion, and there are just too many layers to begin with. But, what is at the end of all of the layers? What is beneath the surface of it all?

We heal to come back to our original element. In healing, we return to who we truly are, past the wounds, baggage, trauma, and conditioning.

Everyone has their own beliefs. My belief is at the core of it all, we are just souls. The wounds, baggage, trauma, and conditioning are the layers that separate the knowing of the Soul.

Once there is no separation between you and the Soul, that is when you have healed.

You Can Be Healed

You can only heal until there are no more layers left for you to introspect on and heal.

And, don’t get me wrong. I understand why one would say that a person can never be fully healed. The intention and context of such a phrase is to guide others to continue looking within and correct themselves where applicable. But in doing so, this phrase does a lot more bad than good.

My problem with the statement “you can never be healed” is that it restricts you from attaining the state of being healed more than it can encourage a person to see that they have more layers to unravel and heal.

And for as long as the Soul exists, you can be healed.

Some practices call it Nirvana.

Others Moksha.



For, ‘a rose by any other name would smell as sweet‘. And in this case the Soul does not differentiate.

And by knowing all of this, it’s incredibly important to alter the language we use so it does not act as an unconscious limitation for ourselves.

From you can never be healed to you can be healed.

Change the narrative.